Drink Driving Solicitors South Yorkshire
Specialist Motoring lawyers in South Yorkshire, England
There are 3 drink driving solicitors that are based or carry out work in South Yorkshire, England. (Please quote Drinkdriving.org when calling)
Head Office in: West Yorkshire,
Head Office in: West Yorkshire,
Head Office in: London,
Been charged with drink driving in South Yorkshire?
If your driving licence is important to you, we recommend that you contact a South Yorkshire criminal defence solicitor specialising in drink driving, motoring and road traffic law without delay.
If you have been charged with a drink driving related offence in South Yorkshire it is imperative that you contact a qualified criminal defence lawyer in South Yorkshire that specialises in drink driving, motoring and road traffic law as soon as possible.
In order to be convicted of a drink driving related offence, the prosecution must show that the defendant was either driving, attempting to drive or in charge of a vehicle while exceeding the maximum legal prescribed limit.
Following Home Office guidelines, people will not be prosecuted for drink driving in England or Wales if their breath alcohol level is below 40 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.
In order for a person to be successfully prosecuted for a drink driving related offence in South Yorkshire, the court must be satisfied that the police have STRICTLY followed all relevant procedures.
A South Yorkshire drink driving solicitor can examine all evidence to ensure police procedure has been followed correctly and can help formulate and put forward to the court a plea of mitigation in order to try and keep any sentence and disqualification imposed to a minimum